Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Detroit Harbor, Washington Island -

Due to changes made by Google to the blogger.com site, I've not been able to publish the blog Ferry Cabin News as had been the case since April of 2008.   

Over that approximately 12-year period I managed to publish 384 blog posts, almost all of them with accompanying photos or illustrations of some sort.  A typical posting took a good two hours of my time, with photo selection (or taking photos), managing the template provided, downloading them in the approximately correct positions (with results not always what I had hoped for, but I sometimes settled for "best effort.") 

With the "new and improved" Google changes I encountered  August 4, when I went to publish a new blog, I was unable to download images to the page.  The inability to illustrate text with color photos took the wind out of my sails, so to speak.   Same for the klutzy new way of working with the revised template.  

So, thanks for your reading of these entries over the years.   I did them out of enjoyment, with some pleasant feedback, also mindful of the "time capsule" they present in terms of Washington Island's history.  Occasionally --- but not too often, I hope --- I climbed onto a soapbox, or I applied self-centered opinion.  Not always the best of writing moments, but they do happen, along with much middle-of-the road commentary.

Unless this blog creation format returns to what it had been, this will be the last such entry for Ferry Cabin News, one that I started to herald the 25th anniversary of the Island's Stavkirke.  

I hope that, if you're so inclined, you may still be able to find worthwhile information and entertainment in sampling the older blog entries.  I've done that myself from time to time, in fact, in order to refresh myself on names, dates or events. 

Best wishes -  Dick Purinton


Bill Tobey said...

Good luck and best wishes, Dick! This blog has been a delight for many years and I hate to see it end!


Tom B said...


Your Blog will be missed. It has been a joy to read and keep up with the happenings Island related. I rode on the Madonna this weekend and it was a very nice smooth ride. Good luck with everything in the future.

Tom Babich

nancy said...

My feelings echo those of Bill and Tom. Thank you, Dick, for all that you have written and shared in Ferry Cabin News.
Nancy Lindsay
Middleton, WI

Dan H. said...

Very sad to see the end of your blog, I will miss reading it to see what is happening on the island. Any new books in the future?
Thank you for all what you have done for the island with your writing's.

Jason Carr said...

Create a page on Facebook, we all will follow you! Don't give up now!

Willie Engelson said...

So sorry you are ending this blog, Dick, but I understand completely. I'll miss your posts and your contributions to the history of Washington Island. If I know you, you'll still be itching to pick up your pen and share your thoughts, so how about giving this alternative outlet a try?
I know you're not a big fan of Facebook, but there is a thriving and interesting community of over 3,000 folks on the Washington Island History site, which is a private site restricted to those who are interested in the Island's history. You'd be a very welcome addition to the group and with your vast knowledge you have a lot to contribute.
Whatever you decide, I wish you the very best.
With high regards,
Willie Engelson

Kari Gordon said...

I'll miss your blogging, Dick. I have enjoyed all of your entries, very much.

Erika L said...

Very sorry to see Google “upgrades” has taken away another great piece of our Washington Island history. As Willie stated above, we would love to have your history and knowledge on the Washington Island History page on Facebook. Thank you for your dedication and time in preserving Washington Island history.

Erika (Johnson) Lennon

John A said...

As everyone else has stated, I will miss your Blog. Is there any way possible you can continue it on some other platform. Even if you were to send an article to Rick Heineman (Washington Island History) and he could add it. That way you wouldn't have to join bookface.
Any how, I'm sad to hear this is it (for now I hope). Take care of yourself and be safe and stay healthy.

John Alderfer

The River Road Rambler said...

Sorry to hear you are stopping. I enjoyed your posts.
I have a goggle blog and have posted without difficulty including trying it this morning. I use Windows 10 and the Chrome browser. I go directly to the page and write my posts there and do the upload image from it interactively.

Russ Hanson

Bill Tobey said...

Good to see you in the Observer, Dick!

Chris said...

Just checked in and saw the unfortunate news! Hope you are able to find a new venue - otherwise your writings will be missed. Best wishes for a safe and peaceful holiday season.