Young riders on their Icelandic mounts at a Field Wood Farm show. From L to R: Erika Johnson, Heather Young, Evy Purinton and Alex Trueblood. Year unknown. |
Washington Island, Wisconsin -
Last week we received in our mail the Winter 2014/2015 issue of Door
County Living. If you live in Door
County and read your copy, I hope your reaction was as positive as mine. (Copies are available - at no charge -
at several county travel information outlets.)
Four separate pieces featured Washington Island. The first three ran back-to-back for
impact. The four stories
were: “The Icelanders – A
Settlement of Singular Significance,” by Stephen R. Grutzmacher; “A Marvelous Legacy to Wisconsin –
Thordarson’s Boathouse,” by Patty Williamson, PH. D.; “Island Icelandics – 50 Years of Icelandic Horses,” by
Richard Purinton; and featured separately, “How Washington Island Got Its
Name,” by Jim Lundstrom.
These features effectively connected Washington Island and
its Icelandic heritage in a straightforward presentation of local history and
cultural ties. It was a refreshing
change from the promotional journalism that most often appears in such magazines. Graphics were also well done, using the
distinctive Icelandic flag design overlaying Rock, Washington and Detroit
Islands, the red, white and blue in constrast against the black and white
historical photos shown.
Because of magazine space limitations, my story about
Icelandic horses used only a portion of the text and photos I assembled. For that reason, I’m devoting several blogs on this
Although I worked from a file of clippings, notes and
letters gathered by Mary and Arni Richter, I relied heavily on Laurie Veness to
help verify fine points and to fill in gaps. Laurie, in addition to being a devoted lover of Icelandic
horses, also keeps files – both written and in memory - of the Icelandic horses
introduced here and their offspring.
Laurie answered my questions, occasionally with long and
detailed answers. I also
needed to take photos, and for this activity she directed me so that I stood in
an optimum spot to capture her horses, one of them as it bolted across the
The Icelandic Horse
and Washington Island
Icelandic horses are on Washington Island today, in part,
due to a winter’s party held nearly 50 years ago at the home of Arni and Mary
Richter. Whether attendees
at this party had previously discussed the notion of owning Icelandic horses
isn’t known – there was advanced footwork done to determine source and price –
but it appears that agreement on that occasion launched the venture in
obtaining Icelandic horses.
Earlier, perhaps in the fall as her college courses got
underway, Estelle Richter, one of
the Richter twins, discussed Icelandic horses with a girl in her school
dorm. By chance, this young
woman’s father owned Icelandic horses in Maryland. Samuel Ashelman, Jr. of Ashton, Maryland, had imported
13 non-related mares and one stallion from Iceland in 1960, for the purpose of
breeding them and for trail rides.
Pedigree paper believed to be for one of the original Island Icelandic horses. |
Ashelman wrote to Richter on January 3, 1965 –
“Dear Mr. Richter:
My daughter Siri tells me that your daughter wrote asking information
about our Icelandic ponies, saying you might be interested in 10 or so.
“We have about 45 in our herd. In 1960 I brought in twelve mares and a stallion but we lost
three mares. Out of the original
group we have a stallion not related to the original stud and are now just
expecting our first foals sired by him.
To date, we have, as a policy, not sold any foals (except for two who
got hurt and were not as good as the rest) as I have wanted to build up the
herd. Icelandic ponies have
gotten some publicity in the Eastern Sunday newspapers, and I felt they would
be a drawing attraction at a summer recreation place we are developing in the
mountains of W. Va. This next
summer I plan to run pack camping trips and got a very positive response from
some of the outdoor writers who have promised to do feature stories in the
major newspapers.
“I think we are
in a position that we could sell some of the foals this Spring. I would prefer to sell some of last
Spring’s foals or some from the year before. As to prices, I have no idea what would be fair and would
like to know what you would expect to pay. To import would cost about $350 plus $100 quarantine etc.
charges, and a lot of trouble and some danger of losing some in shipment.
“We found the ponies a lot of fun, very good disposition,
excellent for teen agers and strong enough to carry a full grown adult. Enclosed is a folder about them. I can send you some pictures, if you
like. They are easy to train. Most of our older ones have been ridden
but the younger ones would need some working. Let us know what you are planning to do and what your
project is. I hope we can
meet. Looking forward to hearing
from you.” – Sam Ashelman
Richter responded Jan. 14, 1965:
“Dear Mr. Ashelman – Received your letter of Jan. 3rd
and was happy to learn about your Icelandic ponies. A small group on the Island became interested in these
ponies last year and we have had considerable correspondence with the Icelandic
Pony Club and Registry in Greeley, Colo.
“We are thinking seriously of purchasing ten ponies and
build a small herd. Eventually we
would have a riding stable. Washington Island is becoming a very popular
tourist center and we feel there would be a good demand for this service. Washington Island had the first
Icelandic settlement in the United States. Therefore we feel it would be most fitting and interesting
to have these ponies. My
grandfather was one of the first Icelanders to migrate to Washington
Island. His name was Arni
“My daughter Estelle was quite excited when she learned from
your daughter that you were raising these ponies. She has always loved horses
and is looking forward to the time when we may raise them too.
“Mrs. Richter and I are planning a trip East some time in
Feb. and would like very much to stop by and meet your and see your herd.”
The Island group voted to move ahead, and a deal was made
with Ashelman. On June 23,
1965, Richter sent a check for $2560.00 “for the eight mares (all with foal, I
hope). I am sure that the truck driver will find the island O.K. if he has a
Wisconsin road map. Tell him to
call me from Sturgeon Bay (my phone number is 40-2). Does he have insurance covering the horses in route?”
Arni Richter feeding horses. (about 1966) |
After their arrival - the trucking bill was $400.00 - The
Door County Advocate Island Correspondent, Sarah Magnusson, wrote a story titled,
“Hardy Icelandic Ponies are Thriving on Washington Island”:
“On a zero degree moonlight night in January I glanced out
my kitchen window to see a dark blot against the white snow. On closer inspection it proved to be an
Icelandic pony. I switched on the
yard light and discovered that it was red with white in its face. It was pawing down through the deep
snow to get the dead grass. Wandering around day or night seems to be a
characteristic of the Icelandic ponies.
Also, they are extremely hardy, and will go into a warm barn to eat,
then sleep outdoors in the snow.”
Sarah described the horses:
“All were pedigreed, and the original pedigrees passed on to
each individual buyer. Most of the ponies have Icelandic names, such as: Elding (which is red and means flame in
Icelandic), Hrefna (black), Naela (star in forhead, red with white feet),
Thordur (called Sam), Kari, Bjorn, Groa, Loki (one of the Gods), Trygve, LIff
and Ula. The latter two are Arni’s
“There are now 24 ponies on the Island, and there are
several new owners. Out of seven
originals, each mare has had three colts, and all are expecting. Most of the male ponies are geldings,
Sam being the only stallion, and he is not related to any of the mares. He is owned by Kathy Anderson.
“Icelandic ponies are docile, love people and attention, and
are easy to train, say their owners.
Some of the children who now own them have taught them tricks like
shaking hands, rolling over, and getting down on their knees. The ponies become so attached to their
young owners that they will stand by the beach while the children go swimming,
or will stand by a frozen pond while the children go sliding or skating.”
Children’s book: Bylur
Evy (Purinton) with Bylur, about 1985. |
It was just such friendly and docile characteristics
exhibited by her Icelandic horse, Bylur, that our daughter, Evy, described in
her book, “Bylur, the Icelandic Horse.”
In the years she grew up with her horse, there were few outdoor
activities in which her horse was not a part, including ice cream at the
Albatross Drive-In.
Now, many years after losing Bylur to old age, Evy is excited to have Blitzen, another Icelandic, also pure white in color.
Recently, Connie Essig passed along to us at the Island Bayou
Press unsold copies of Evy’s book, which was published in 1996. The illustrations by Shea Ryan
capture an idyllic island childhood, with horse and owner engaged in a variety
of Island activities. This book is
now listed on my website, alongside books I’ve written. ( See RichardPurinton.com )
Learning about Icelandic horses
In order to learn more about Icelandic horses I contacted Laurie Veness of Field Wood Farm, near West Harbor. Laurie is a knowledgeable horsewoman
who first came upon Icelandics when visiting Washington Island as a teenager,
and she admits she was drawn to them.
An absence from them made her realize how great a ride Icelandics were
in contrast to quarter horses and other breeds she’d worked with. From 1971 to the present, then, Veness has owned, trained
and bred Icelandics. Her
command of the various Icelandics’ names, lineages, and traits is impressive.
At one
time she had as many as 44 Icelandic horses, offering trail rides and lessons. Our daughter Evy was one of those young Island girls who became infatuated with horses at Field Wood Farm, learning all facets of care, including feeding and the cleaning of stalls, in exchange for the opportunity to ride.
Star (Stjarna), a 38 year old mare at Field Wood Farm. |
Today, Laurie's farm has 14 horses, and the facilities are rather
run down and in need of repair.
A first time visitor who might bring with them a child for the purpose
of taking a trail ride, Laurie’s lane, home and barn emit a Ma-and-Pa-Kettle,
helter-skelter ambience. But I
found myself attracted to the disarray, anxious see what lay around the
next corner.
The present state of her farm isn’t a reflection on Laurie’s
inattentiveness, but rather her physical inability to do the work necessary following
two debilitating auto accidents several years ago.
There are days she finds it difficult just getting from house to stable,
much less performing the daunting chores necessary to maintain fences, gates and
buildings. I was pleased for that reason to be invited to spend some time with Laurie
learning about her horses and Icelandics in general, to see her horses and
photograph them.
Laurie Veness with her companion. |
Laurie is a smart, well educated woman, and she knows her subject
matter. She is also bold to tell anyone
– including me – her ideas based on her storehouse of knowledge. But when it comes to horses, at least her
Icelandics and their offspring, her knowledge is considerable and quite
Her interest goes back
to her childhood.
“I can never remember not being interested in horses,”
Laurie said. “I rode my first Icelandic, Freya, owned by Cathy Newman, who was Pearl
Haglund’s granddaughter.”
But it
was absence from the island and from riding Icelandics - including
several years at SUNY, where she earned an associate degree in Animal Science,
majoring in Horse Science - that deepened Laurie's respect for this breed.
One of the more interesting features I learned from Laurie
about Icelandics - besides the fact they have several gaits unique to the breed
that provide a smooth, even ride – has to do with their thick, warm coats. I remembered how thick Bylur’s coat had
been, even in summer, and his distinctive flowing mane and tail.
Laurie described three different coat hairs that grow in to
protect the horse from Icelandic weather that often includes wet, blowing
snow. “They have a 4-6 inch winter
coat with down underlying it, which is the last to shed. And there are guard hairs, up to 12
inches long, stiffer and shinier, that shed water. If you put one of my guys in the barn right now [this was
August], you would overheat them.”
Snow and ice build up on the longer hairs and provide a
protective shell for the horse, preserving body heat. This can be seen most dramatically in the tail, a growth of longer hairs which Laurie described as a “caudal disk.” With their backs against the freezing wind, their long tail
hairs fan out in the breeze, collecting snow and ice and forming a windbreak of
Although there wasn't wind or snow on this day, the caudal, or tail, fans out and encrusts with ice and snow, protecting the horse from cold winds. |
The Icelandic horse - and not a pony, according to Laurie - is considered a purebred developed over
centuries in the fields and mountains of Iceland. At least in modern times, no other horses are permitted to be
imported. And once an Icelandic horse
is exported, it may not reenter the island. This is to keep the breed pure, but also to protect the
native horses from disease. Even
riding boots and gear worn outside of Iceland is prohibited, unless such items
are brand new and haven’t been used.
Rose, galloping across the field at Field Wood Farm in August. |
These Icelandic horses are exceedingly sure footed, bred for rocky,
volcanic ground that is commonplace in Iceland, and they carry more weight than
a typical horse of their size.
An Icelandic can carry the weight of a horse half again as large, and
they require less in return, living off sparse Icelandic pastureland and
preferring the outdoors.
Other Current Island owners
Besides Field Wood Farm, Jerry and Mary Ann Meiers own several
Icelandic horses – one is a gelding and one a mare, half-brother and sister - as well
as other horses of related Scandinavian breeds.
Mary Ann Meiers of Norse Horse Farm with their Icelandic mare. |
The Meiers bought their Icelandics from a farm in Iowa (prices
start at around $8,000 each, Jerry said).
From his research, Meiers said that centuries ago, perhaps
as early as 900, the Icelandics derived from the Dole horse and the
Fjord horse (both are light Norwegian draft horses), and also the Russ or Gotland
horse (from the Swedish island of Gotland.)
Norwegian horses have the same easy temperament as the
Icelandics, Jerry said, although in his stable's pecking order it is the small Icelandic mare that dictates who comes in the barn, and who eats first.
The Meiers keep other animals, too, such as Icelandic sheep,
Finnish sheep, and Swedish chickens.
Their intent is to show visitors the variety of Scandinavian livestock
available, hence their farm’s name:
Norse Horse Park. They do not breed their
horses, and they do not offer trail rides. Their farm is meant to be an educational experience. This year their farm was closed, but they hope to reopen to the public again in 2015.
- Dick Purinton