Monday, March 19, 2012


Holy aliens!   Zander standing in a field of
crop circles in the Bayou pasture. (Evy photo)
Washington Island, Wisconsin -

Nothing as endearing as grandchildren, it seems, and we're now able to report that Chad and Evy Beneda and their two sons, Atlas and Zander, and their two dogs, Dude and Waylan, have moved to Washington Island.

They moved officially one week ago from their Brookfield home to occupy our former home at 1040 Main Road.  Not only does it mean they are now close at hand, they will also become buyers for our former home, keeping the old J. W. Cornell home in the family for one more generation.

We recently received some information from Eric Greenfeldt, grandson of Bill Cornell, to verify this home was built in 1915, one of the first island homes to have a "full cellar."  J. W. and his sons were fishermen, and what is the present day golf course held many cherry trees and current bushes.

Droids coming!

Last week I stopped in from my day at the Ferry Dock to visit.  Zander, 3 1/2, who is quite taken with 'droids and zombies and loves the fear factor they evoke, said, "Droids coming!  Mommy, I need to use your phone to call Jitsch for backup."    Jitsch is his invisible dog, a human who died and came back in the form of a friendly dog.  He's near wherever Zander goes, first appearing in late 2011, shortly after older brother Atlas became owner of a little poodle (real) from the pet shelter that he named Dude.  There are two other friendlies, pals of Jitsch and Zander, named Vicki and Micki, but Zander offers fewer details about those two.

His friends require little care, and they are available to support Zander in his daily battle against 'droids. These friends now live in their own new home near the garden.   On his mother's phone, Zander ordered Jitsch to, "Come over quick!  Bring your light saber and ray gun."   Then, he ran to answer the door as his invisible friends called on him.   It is a daily battle, fueled by Star Wars characters and an iPad game called "Plants and Zombies."

We're pleased to be part of the fun and games, not only of Zander, but all of our grandsons.

From right:   Zander Beneda, Magnus Purinton, Atlas Beneda, Aidan Purinton

1 comment:

trot2island said...

Sure is great to be home!